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River Flow Data
Descriptions and Maps
Join Poudre Paddlers
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Waiver For Printing
Club Personnel
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Club Roster
Group Emails
Poudre Paddlers
Membership Application
NOTE: We have updated the Membership Form and the new Membership Form is at this link:
Please use the new Form.
Membership in Poudre Paddlers for your household costs only $10 and covers the current calendar year. If you pay after October 1, you'll be a member right away, and your dues will be credited to the following calendar year.
One of the benefits of your membership is inclusion in our Google Email Group, allowing you to stay up to date on club events and activities. We will use the email address on your application for the Google Email Group. (If you later decide that you don't need to get all the Poudre Paddler emails, contact
[email protected]
to see your options.)
Indicates required field
Choose One
New Member
Renewing Member
Adult 1 Name
Adult 1 Email
Adult 1 Phone Number
Adult 1 Zip Code
Adult 2 Name
Adult 2 Email
Adult 2 Phone Number
Minor children, under the age of 18, who may attend activities:
Which of the following are of interest to you?
Choose Any
River cleanups
Serving as a club officer
Conservation activism
River access lobbying
Coordinating club meetings
Marketing the club
Welcoming new members
Tabling at public events
Are you interested in leading a trip or do you have trip suggestions?
Do you have any skills that you might be willing to contribute to benefit the club?
Poudre Paddlers
KNOW EVERYONE BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, I (we), , intend, or am about, to engage in
boating activities upon rivers, lakes, and/or other waterways, which activities have been organized by POUDRE PADDLERS of Fort Collins, Colorado; and
WHEREAS, I (we) am doing so entirely upon my (our) own initiative, risk, and responsibility, and am duly aware that risks and
hazards are, or may be, inherent in such boating activities; and
WHEREAS, I (we) elect voluntarily to engage in such activities having only limited knowledge of conditions and understanding
that conditions may be more hazardous and dangerous than I (we) presently believe; I (we) further understand and expect that
my (our) conduct during such activities shall be dictated by my (our) own decisions as to if and how to deal with any particular
stretch of river, lake or other waterway; and
WHEREAS, I (we) understand that POUDRE PADDLERS, its officers, directors, and trip leaders in particular and its
members in general organize such activities solely for the pleasure and enjoyment of the participants; and
WHEREAS, I (we) am (are) supplying for my (our) own use such first aide, safety and medical supplies as I (we) deem
necessary and I am (we are) not relying upon the members or leaders for such items; and
WHEREAS, I (we) recognize that neither POUDRE PADDLERS, nor its several officers, directors, members and
leaders are responsible for my (our) participation in any particular activity nor for the participation of other people and that in no
event is the Club or its officers, directors, members or leaders responsible for my (our) conduct or the conduct of others sharing
such participation; and
WHEREAS, my (our) participation is in no way based upon any representations made by any members, officers, director or
leader as to the difficulty, danger or hazard of such activities, but rather because of my (our) independent desire to participate in
such activities with other people with similar interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, I (we) do hereby, for myself (ourselves), my (our) heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, release and
forever discharge POUDRE PADDLERS of Fort Collins, Colorado, and all of its actions or causes of actions now or
hereafter arising on account of my (our) death or on account of any injury to me (us) or damage to my (our) property, or on
account of the injury or death suffered by any other person which may occur from any cause while I (we), or any other person,
may be engaged in activities of POUDRE PADDLERS, including therein all ground and transportation operations
incident thereto unless such death, injury, or harm results from gross negligence or willful misconduct. This Waiver/Release
shall be binding in all its terms for all activities of POUDRE PADDLERS.
As the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the minor(s) listed above, I (we) approve of my (our) child’s (children’s) or ward(s)’s participation in the activities. I am (we are) aware that the attendant risks, hazards, potential for injuries, loss or death stated in the Waiver/Release may well be greater for a minor participation, but I (we) assume these risks as parent(s) or guardian(s) of the named children and herewith forever release, remise and discharge POUDRE PADDLERS as specified in the foregoing Waiver/Release.
I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY that I (we) have read the foregoing WAIVER/RELEASE, understand it in all its terms and conditions and sign it voluntarily and intelligently.
Clicking Submit will take you to the payment page.
River Flow Data
Descriptions and Maps
Join Poudre Paddlers
Contact Us
Waiver For Printing
Club Personnel
Members Only
Club Roster
Group Emails