Boater's Guide to Lake Powell
by Michael R. Kelsey, 5th Edition, 2008
This book was donated by Roger Faaborg.
Description/Review by Roger Faaborg: Michael Kelsey admits at the start of the book that he is a hiker and not a boater. So this book is geared to what you can see by hiking the canyons of Lake Powell. Of course, to get to the canyons, you need a boat. Lake Powell is enormous, so the book has to cover a lot and can't be too detailed. It is a good help in telling you the major items to see in most canyons. The maps are not too detailed, and many canyons are not shown at all. You definitely need to get USGS maps or other maps to supplement this book, as the author recommends. The photo below shows a typical map. So for Forgotten Canyon, the map will help you find the Crumbling ruins and the Defiance Ruins. We found the Defiance Ruins, but couldn't find the Crumbling Ruins. The water level fluctuates from year to year, so the book's water level is not helpful. That is also true of the maps. A better solution would be a pre-dam USGS map.
There aren't many books on Lake Powell, so you need to get this one, plus some detailed maps of the area you will visit.
This book was donated by Roger Faaborg.
Description/Review by Roger Faaborg: Michael Kelsey admits at the start of the book that he is a hiker and not a boater. So this book is geared to what you can see by hiking the canyons of Lake Powell. Of course, to get to the canyons, you need a boat. Lake Powell is enormous, so the book has to cover a lot and can't be too detailed. It is a good help in telling you the major items to see in most canyons. The maps are not too detailed, and many canyons are not shown at all. You definitely need to get USGS maps or other maps to supplement this book, as the author recommends. The photo below shows a typical map. So for Forgotten Canyon, the map will help you find the Crumbling ruins and the Defiance Ruins. We found the Defiance Ruins, but couldn't find the Crumbling Ruins. The water level fluctuates from year to year, so the book's water level is not helpful. That is also true of the maps. A better solution would be a pre-dam USGS map.
There aren't many books on Lake Powell, so you need to get this one, plus some detailed maps of the area you will visit.