The Animated Manual of Intermediate and Advanced Whitewater Technique by William Nealy, 1986
This book was donated by Bill Whitaker.
(Short review by Roger Faaborg) This is a great book! I try to read it every floating season. Even if you are a canoer, there is a large section on hydrotopography that is useful to anyone floating white water. The book is presented with humor and the entire book, the text and the drawings, are done by hand, by William (not Bill) Nealy. It contains a lot of good, practical information. There is a chapter on floating during a flood, but I would recommend just staying away from floods. Then animation is done by flipping through the pages.
This book was donated by Bill Whitaker.
(Short review by Roger Faaborg) This is a great book! I try to read it every floating season. Even if you are a canoer, there is a large section on hydrotopography that is useful to anyone floating white water. The book is presented with humor and the entire book, the text and the drawings, are done by hand, by William (not Bill) Nealy. It contains a lot of good, practical information. There is a chapter on floating during a flood, but I would recommend just staying away from floods. Then animation is done by flipping through the pages.