Only $10
This covers membership in Poudre Paddlers for you and your family for the current year.
Once your payment is received, we will move your information from a pending membership to having an active membership.
Once your payment is received, we will move your information from a pending membership to having an active membership.
Pay Online
Pay online by clicking the button below.
You will be able to pay with PayPal or a regular credit card.
Pay online by clicking the button below.
You will be able to pay with PayPal or a regular credit card.
Pay by Check
If you want to mail us a check, make it out to:
Poudre Paddlers Canoe and Kayak Club
and mail to:
Julian Hart
Poudre Paddlers Treasurer
10750 Moore St.
Westminster, CO 80021
If you want to mail us a check, make it out to:
Poudre Paddlers Canoe and Kayak Club
and mail to:
Julian Hart
Poudre Paddlers Treasurer
10750 Moore St.
Westminster, CO 80021