Thank you!
Thank you for joining Poudre Paddlers!
Your payment of $10 has been received and a receipt has been emailed to you from PayPal.
Google Email Group
One of the benefits of joining the Poudre Paddlers Club is the ability to communicate with other club members. The Poudre Paddlers Google Email Group gives you the ability to read and post group messages to other club members. If you are a new member, watch for an email from Google, confirming your addition to the Google Email Group. Adding you to the Group may take a few days. Once you are added, you can send a message to the entire club by sending to [email protected]
Our website is The home page includes a calendar that shows upcoming trips and events. For a description of places to paddle, click Places in the top menu. Club members often take photos and videos on river trips. These can be viewed by clicking on Photos in the top menu. Sections of the website, like the club roster, are restricted to members only. You need a password to access these areas. The password is kanu.kanu. To get to the club roster, click on Membership, Members Only, and Club Roster.
If you have specific interests, questions, or a desire to become more involved in the club, our Club Personnel list has contact information. Click on Membership, and Club Personnel.
We are glad to have you in the club!
See you on the river!
Your payment of $10 has been received and a receipt has been emailed to you from PayPal.
Google Email Group
One of the benefits of joining the Poudre Paddlers Club is the ability to communicate with other club members. The Poudre Paddlers Google Email Group gives you the ability to read and post group messages to other club members. If you are a new member, watch for an email from Google, confirming your addition to the Google Email Group. Adding you to the Group may take a few days. Once you are added, you can send a message to the entire club by sending to [email protected]
Our website is The home page includes a calendar that shows upcoming trips and events. For a description of places to paddle, click Places in the top menu. Club members often take photos and videos on river trips. These can be viewed by clicking on Photos in the top menu. Sections of the website, like the club roster, are restricted to members only. You need a password to access these areas. The password is kanu.kanu. To get to the club roster, click on Membership, Members Only, and Club Roster.
If you have specific interests, questions, or a desire to become more involved in the club, our Club Personnel list has contact information. Click on Membership, and Club Personnel.
We are glad to have you in the club!
See you on the river!