Greetings – Welcome to the Poudre Paddler Permit Party, our annual PPPP:
In 2025, the Permit Party is on Thursday, January 16th at the Fort Collins Senior Center from 6:00-9:00 pm. You may attend in person or on Zoom.
Let’s begin. Is there anyone new to our approach to the PPPP? If so, we hope you have read over the River Descriptions and Permit How-To’s on the website.
There is a Google Docs Sheet for you to sign-up.
The Process: Most river permit lotteries allow you to apply until January 31st, exceptions being the Smith River in Montana…
So we meet to get an idea and form a list of who wants to go on what river this season. This forms a group to apply; we agree that if anyone in that group scores a permit, the others in the group that applied are invited as well.
Then we apply (Some have applied already): We go onto the application websites, usually, and file our applications before deadline. If your spouse or partner wants to go, he/she should file a permit application as well. (He/She will need a different account. We let the Club know what we applied for and the dates by filling out the spreadsheet. And we wait, fingers crossed until… In February or March we find out if we are successful. Hooray! We let the Club know and email the others in the application group. Those who actually filed a permit application are the first ones allowed to go. Then we plan and wait. shows that we have the permit, and we can make changes to the permit UNTIL WE PRINT IT. You will have to pay the “per-person” fees before a deadline they set, or lose the permit. I pay for a small group; then I can add and pay for more people before printing the permit. allows us to print the permit within a week or two of the put-in date. So we don’t print the permit until just about the last minute, to allow for last-minute changes. Be sure to have everyone
on the permit read the regulations for the river.
Ah! but what if we are unsuccessful? Other permit-holders may cancel, and their permit becomes available. It might even become available at 2 a.m.! So the group that failed to get the permit keeps watch for cancellation openings. The group often sets up a system for this: Person A watches picks a week to watch, then Person B watches, etc. Then we paddle! On some rivers a ranger will check you in, to be sure you have the permit and required gear, like fire pan, throw ropes, extra paddles and toilet system. Consider this: If you don’t get the permit, tell the group, “Let’s go on a non-permitted river” and paddle anyway.
Now..the Rivers! We hope you have read their descriptions in the Permit part of the Poudre Paddlers website.
In 2025, the Permit Party is on Thursday, January 16th at the Fort Collins Senior Center from 6:00-9:00 pm. You may attend in person or on Zoom.
Let’s begin. Is there anyone new to our approach to the PPPP? If so, we hope you have read over the River Descriptions and Permit How-To’s on the website.
There is a Google Docs Sheet for you to sign-up.
The Process: Most river permit lotteries allow you to apply until January 31st, exceptions being the Smith River in Montana…
So we meet to get an idea and form a list of who wants to go on what river this season. This forms a group to apply; we agree that if anyone in that group scores a permit, the others in the group that applied are invited as well.
Then we apply (Some have applied already): We go onto the application websites, usually, and file our applications before deadline. If your spouse or partner wants to go, he/she should file a permit application as well. (He/She will need a different account. We let the Club know what we applied for and the dates by filling out the spreadsheet. And we wait, fingers crossed until… In February or March we find out if we are successful. Hooray! We let the Club know and email the others in the application group. Those who actually filed a permit application are the first ones allowed to go. Then we plan and wait. shows that we have the permit, and we can make changes to the permit UNTIL WE PRINT IT. You will have to pay the “per-person” fees before a deadline they set, or lose the permit. I pay for a small group; then I can add and pay for more people before printing the permit. allows us to print the permit within a week or two of the put-in date. So we don’t print the permit until just about the last minute, to allow for last-minute changes. Be sure to have everyone
on the permit read the regulations for the river.
Ah! but what if we are unsuccessful? Other permit-holders may cancel, and their permit becomes available. It might even become available at 2 a.m.! So the group that failed to get the permit keeps watch for cancellation openings. The group often sets up a system for this: Person A watches picks a week to watch, then Person B watches, etc. Then we paddle! On some rivers a ranger will check you in, to be sure you have the permit and required gear, like fire pan, throw ropes, extra paddles and toilet system. Consider this: If you don’t get the permit, tell the group, “Let’s go on a non-permitted river” and paddle anyway.
Now..the Rivers! We hope you have read their descriptions in the Permit part of the Poudre Paddlers website.